Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes
“Enduke, pichchi, he is so paapam no ?”
“See, he asked to come on cam no ? And you have sent him pics before, so what big deal ? He did not ask for something crass, no ? Poor man, edho koncham diet cheyya oddu annadu. And you blocked him out for it.” Gowri, heaping another hot mound of rice.
“ See, I sent him pics before no ? And now I come on cam. 32 pounds, I tell you, that haircut. 32 freaking pounds, maa oorlo saloon itself you can buy with that money. Does he notice ? Does he say, hi, nice haircut ? Or even you look different today ? No, he just goes ummm and hmmm, says brb and disappears. Vedhava what went to do god knows, comes back and then says I don’t look fat. Men, I tell you!”
Ayyo kadavalle. The man should be shot.
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 12, 2006 7:03 AM
Hahahahaha! We shall SO beware of such webcam seeking gents henceforth :P.
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 12, 2006 3:58 PM
Ph : With a digicam, one hopes, rather than the other : )
Me : Yeah, imagine losing 20 pounds and then being complimented for your new haircut. Would be worse no : )
Posted by
?! |
November 12, 2006 6:57 PM
Very nice! Me I'm wondering what he went to do when he said brb.
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 16, 2006 8:56 AM
prob just forgot to turn off the gas and the water burnt or the dal spilled over...ooops brb
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 16, 2006 7:27 PM
Naanimouse : Sigh. Darkest recesses of mind, you people have. He just sat and tried his best to "figure" out what to say.
Pickybird :) All the time, it happens ?
Posted by
?! |
November 16, 2006 9:46 PM